
ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Facility Operations

<ӣƵ class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default">facilities management

NSCAD’s facilities management department operates and maintains building structures, building equipment, specialized facilities, heating and cooling facilities, electrical, grounds, water and waste distribution systems at all three campuses.

Led by the Associate Vice-President of Operations, the department is responsible for fire protection, emergency preparedness, security, maintaining records related to NSCAD facilities and building services, and keeping up-to-date information and drawings. It also manages custodial services, waste removal, recycling, pest control and transportation.

The team’s skilled employees strive to provide NSCAD University with exceptional service while maintaining a safe and sustainable environment.

The team also provides complete project delivery services for construction of new facilities or renovations to existing buildings, labs, shops or property, including:

  • project design and layout
  • feasibility and scope of project estimate
  • tendering and contract management

Major Construction Projects

Contact facilities@nscad.ca.

Climate change commitment

NSCAD Universityrecognizes the importance of taking climate change action from reducing greenhouse gases to adapting to a different climate that we have known in the past. Climate action is embodied in education and teaching, research, and operations. To read more about steps taken at NSCAD University to address the challenges associated with climate change and biodiversity, visit/climate/.

In keeping with provincial, national, and international ambitions, NSCAD University commits to meet and exceed the greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions set out in the provincial Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act. These targets include by “2030, to be at least 53% below the levels that were emitted in 2005; and by 2050, to be net zero, by balancing greenhouse gas emissions with greenhouse gas removals and other offsetting measures.” Efforts will be made to understand the impact of Scope 3 emissions and make reductions.

Some of the key strategies to achieve these reductions and adapt to a changing climate include using passive systems with enhanced design, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy on-site, renewable electricity power purchasing, fuel switching, emergency building and campus measures, and nature-based solutions.