ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

How to support NSCAD students on Giving Tuesday

Help provide healthy food for NSCAD students on #GivingTuesday

Be a part of an important movement in Nova Scotia on November 28th, 2023.

Food insecurity is a sad reality for many NSCAD students that detracts from their creative practices and interferes with their studies. Nearly 60% of post-secondary students in Canada report experiencing food insecurity. Inflation is increasing the scale and urgency of this problem.

This is why NSCAD is once again collaborating with the J & W Murphy Foundation and other Nova Scotia post-secondary institutions to improve food security for students this #GivingTuesday.

The J & W Murphy Foundation has generously pledged to MATCH all donations from NSCAD’s community up to $3,500. Funds raised this year will be directed to the SUNSCAD Food Bank and the NSCAD Food Security Bursary and used to provide grocery cards to students in need.

A gift from you today will help our students afford healthy food giving them the nutrition they need to realize their potential. Together, on #GivingTuesday, we can help our artists, designers and makers focus on their work—not on where their next meal is coming from.

Healthy food baskets given out to students during the Fall 2023 term.